Dear Daddy,
Today was Christmas Eve! Mommy had to work but was off early. She was so exhausted though because she said they were really busy. Everyone said I looked cute with my little reindeer vest while we waited for Mommy. We had to go to Target to pick up some last minute things for the Christmas Eve dinner we were having. It was crazy there! Mommy wanted to get out of there as soon as possible because people were acting crazy and pushing and shoving and cutting in line.
We went home and I ate my lunch and then Mommy put me down for my nap while she helped Grandma cook and get things ready and then she started getting ready. By the time I woke up, Mommy let me run around a bit until it was time for me to eat my dinner. After my dinner Mommy changed me. I looked very handsome, if I do say so myself. Mommy looked pretty too.

She said that we needed to be ready so we could talk to you on Skype. I got really excited because she said that you were going to open the gifts that we got you and Mommy was going to open hers. We waited and waited for awhile and finally we were able to talk to you. It wasn't as great as having you here but we were both so happy that you somehow managed to be with us on such a special day. And we were very happy that you loved your gifts, Mommy said she knew you would love the calendar with the cute pictures of me Daddy and the mug that we painted for you and the funny book we got for you. Mommy was very happy with her Wii, she wanted to set it up right away! I loved my basketball hoop game and Mommy loved the gift card for Gymboree that you got so she could buy me clothes...I can see it already, Mommy going crazy wanting to buy everything there. The best part was seeing you, and you telling us that you might be coming home in February. We would really love having you home already, it's been too long since we've hugged you and kissed you.
Later, Geny came over for a little bit with the girls and brought over a gift for me, it was a t-ball set. Around 9, we had our Christmas Eve dinner with Grandma Koko, Tia Dany, Grandma Adela, Grandpa Toño, and Tio Jesus, Tia Angelica, Beto and Jesusito. I was getting pretty tired but Mommy wanted to keep me up a little longer so we could open gifts. After dinner, we exchanged gifts and I got to go first since I was getting cranky and I wanted to sleep. I got lots of things Daddy! Some toys, clothes, an Elmo potty, two Mickey Christmas DVDs, a portable DVD player and some books.
After I was done opening my presents Mommy told me I could go to bed and sleep so Santa could come. I put out some milk and cookies for Santa, I wanted to eat one but Mommy said those were for Santa. I wanted to see when Santa got here but Mommy said I had to sleep or else Santa wouldn't come. I was tired and ended up falling asleep really soon.
PS. Can't wait for Christmas next year Daddy! Cause you will be here for it!
We couldn't be happier to find out that