Dear Daddy,
I'm writing two entires today, Day 36 (September 20th) was my party and Mommy and I were so exhausted we couldn't write yesterday. So I know you're dying to know
how the party went and see pictures.
I started off the day bright and early, seriously, Mommy said I was up before the buttcrack of 3 am. Mommy tried to get me back to sleep but I would just trick her and play in my crib. Mommy had to go set up the park with the Grandmas and Granpa and everyone else so she left me with Julia and Tia Yola and Tia Dani. When they came back, Mommy got me dressed and she got ready and after awhile we left to the park. When we got there I couldn't belive my eyes!!! Mickey was everywhere! Mickey balloons, table cloths, piñatas, centerpieces, my mickey banner EVERYWHERE! Mommy did a great job setting my party up, I'm sure you are gonna think so too right?

I had to check eveything out since it was my party so I supervised while other things were being set up. Mommy wanted to share a picture of my outfit too.

She got me a custom made Mickey shirt with my name on it and a Mickey ears hat. We saved the Cake top hat you sent for the cake cutting. I went on the swings until people started showing up. They all couldn't get over how adorable I looked. DUH! They should've gotten used to my cuteness by now, after all, I've been cute since I've been born. Right?Anyway, we missed you alot, here's a picture of your two favie poops ever! Don't we look adorable!?

My best buddy Brandon was there too and so were most of my cousins and little friends too! Here I am with Brandon.

It was finally time to break the piñata. I wasn't too happy that people were hitting my Mickey. Then again, I was pretty tired.

After the piñata, Mommy handed out the goody bags but she forgot to take a picture of them. I will let her take a picture of mine so you can see what they had inside. For the kids 5 and under she got some blue gift bags and personalized each one and put a sticker on them too. Inside there was a Mickey cup, coloring book, crayons, Mickey gummies, candies and other stuff like that. Everyone loved the cups! Mommy is just cool like that! I must get my coolness from her!
Finally it was cake time! Here is the picture of the big cake! Mommy was going to give me my smash cake but people were getting annoying and didn't let her give it to me. I thought Mommy was going to throw the cake in people's faces. She was frustrated, tired and emotional to have to deal with people giving her crap. Anyway, the cake.

I did want cake though so Mommy gave me a piece and I had my way with it! I love chocolate cake and it was delicious!!!

Here I am giving people the evil eye when they wanted to take my cake! Everyone that has seen this picture say that I am just like Mommy, very protective of my cake! LOL!
Next we opened presents. I was getting really fussy and I didn't really want to open them but Mommy helped. I got tons of cool toys including the rocking horse I wanted from when we went to Costco!!! I also got a talking dump truck, Mommy got me a wagon, and I got other stuff too. Brandon and Adrienne got me a dumbo, a ball and a FOURTY NINERS JERSEY! Tia Ely got me some really cool FOURTY NINER LIGHT UP SNEAKERS! I also got a Captain Hook halloween costume from Grandpa. Grandma Adela got me a tricycle! I am gonna have all the ladies now! I have a wagon,a trike, a, I don't know how I'm going to keep all the ladies off me! Here is a picture with the Toy you got me! Thank you Daddy, I love it!

Overall, the party went great. Mommy says it was worth it even though she was so stressed out and people ruined some of the centerpieces that she worked so hard on and that she wished that you were there. I told her that next year you will be here with us, and we can all shove cake in eachother's faces and be the happiest poops ever!