Today was not a good day, everyone seemed like they were in an icky mood. Mommy was mad because she had to close and they called her to tell her that she needed to start an hour earlier. She said she was mad because she hates having to leave me to go to work. I like spending time with Mommy and I miss her too but she looked sadder than I did. So at 11:15 we went to go drop Mommy off at work and I knew I wouldn't see her for the rest of the day. Poor Mom was so tired and Grandma was mad that Mommy was so sad, I don't think she understands what Mommy feels. Mommy said that I'm growing up so fast she doesnt like to miss out on a second of it, that you're already missing out on enough and it's not fair but her having to leave me the whole day only makes that worse.
After dropping her off, Grandma took me to a birthday party at a park. I

went on the swings and had a really good time. I played with Tia Dany and Stephanie and Mimi and was having fun being a silly boy. It's so funny that me being so small can make big people smile and laugh so much!
After the party we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa where I played some more. I played with the girls and Grandpa and Tia Brenda. Then I tried to explore the kitchen there but they wouldn't let me so I started to screaming to throw them off track to no avail. Oh well, I tried, that mission will be put on hold.
Soon it was time to pick Mommy up. She was so tired but she gave me the biggest smile when she saw me and hugged me and squeezed me until I was just about ready to puke. I was happy to see her too...after all, I hadn't "eaten" almost all day! Grandma tried to get me to drink from the bottle but she know I hate it! When we got home I went to town on "the girls" and then I played catch with Mommy and she gave me a bath, read me some books and then it was time for sleep even though I was giving her a hard time. I tried kissing her and hugging her to convince her to let me stay up and play all night but I had a long day and eventually I just fell asleep.
Miss you so much!
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