Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 92

Dear Daddy,
Last night I kept Mommy up for a very long time. I woke up around 11:30 and wouldn't go back to sleep. I finally gave in around 12:30 and then I woke up around 3 and threw a fit because Mommy wanted me to sleep. I bit her when I was nursing and she got angry. I was mad because she didn't let me nurse and I started screaming and yelling "No no no" at her. I decided to be difficult for her and she really wasn't happy. She put me back in my crib but I kept screaming. I fell asleep for about half an hour and then started screaming again. Mommy tried to nurse me but I just wanted to get up and play. She wasn't feeling well because she had been coughing a whole lot and she kept telling me that she wanted to rest. I wasn't giving in. Grandma came in around 5 and told Mommy that she would try to get me to sleep and she did but I woke up later and and started screaming. Finally, I fell asleep around 7 and then we woke up at 10:30. I ate breakfast and then got ready for the day. 
Mommy had to be at work at 1:15 so we went and dropped her off and then Grandma, Tia Dany and I went to the mall. We then went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a little and then headed on over to Hayward. I played with Tio Enrique, Gerardo and Grandpa and later I took a nap. When we were done, we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house and I got to see Alicia, Tia Ely and Tia Nico too. I was getting tired so we went home and got ready for bed. Grandma put me to bed because Mommy wasn't going to be home till around 9:30 because she had a meeting at work. I missed Mommy very much today, I'm not used to her not tucking me in at night but Grandma said that when Mommy got home she would tell her to go and kiss me goodnight.
Miss you Daddy and love you with all my heart,

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