Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 124

Dear Daddy,
Today Mommy had to work and after we picked her up we just played for awhile. Here I am with the milk carton, I was so excited to see a cow on it! I started mooing and pointing at it. Mommy kept trying to take it away from me But I didn't let her!
Mommy got my Baba ready and I drank it and then went down for my nap. When I woke up Mommy changed me because I was all sweaty and stinky and then we went out and played some more. I found my comb and now every time I see a comb or a brush I decide to brush my hair. Mommy thinks it's funny when I do that.

Mommy also let me play some games on here laptop, I was excited. She put the laptop on the coffee table and moved my recliner close to the table. She said I looked like a grown up at an office. I liked playing the game but I wanted to watch some Mickey Mouse videos so she let me watch those on there too.

Soon it was time for dinner so I ate and Mommy let me try and feed myself yogurt. I didn't make such a huge mess but that was because Mommy took about half of the yogurt out and fed that to me herself. She doesn't understand that I am a grown man and can feed myself.

After I had dinner I played for awhile and then started getting ready for bed. Mommy let me splash around in the tub a little extra tonight which was lots of fun.

I was tired even thought I didn't do much today so I fell asleep right away.
Love you lots,

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