Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 46

Dear Daddy,
I am writing a day late because as you know now, Grandma had to get her surgery so we went to visit her yesterday. She was so happy to see me, she say's I give her energy. She is such a strong woman, Mommy says it's very admirable. Mommy says her surgery wasn't like last time so that's why she doesn't look bad. A  little tired but really close to her normal self. She's sad because the doctors said she can't lift anything heavy, including me. Excuse me? Who are they calling "heavy"?
Well, we got home close to 9 and Mommy put me to bed and then ate dinner because she was starving. And then she went to bed because she was very tired. 
Miss you so much Daddy and I know we all wish you were here and I'm sure you wish the same. I know you wish you could be with your Mommy but don't worry, I'm big and strong and will take care of her.

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